Our Company Today

Our Company Today

At present JSC “TATAVTODOR” is a well-equipped enterprise that is capable of solving different tasks. The zone of activities of the Company units comprises more than half territory of Tatarstan Republic.

As of beginning of year 2024, JSC “TATAVTODOR” services the public roads of 8022,103 km total length. This includes:

  • 575,076 km of federal highways (Routes M-7 «Volga» Moscow-Ufa; Р-241 Кazan - Ulyanovsk; Р-239 Кazan- Orenburg; access road to "Кazan" International Airport; М-7 «Volga» Moscow-Ufa, access road to Kirov city);
  • 7447,027 km of local motor roads.

JSC “TATAVTODOR” took for its strategic guiding line introduction of modern techniques and methods of servicing, repair and building of motor roads into Tatarstan. With this aim we purchase high-capacity machines, master the progressive techniques, train the personnel, build new asphalt-mixing plants.

The most important socio-economic mission for JSC “TATAVTODOR” is the building of roads for the countryside dwellers. It’s a well-known fact that President’s Program for providing the countryside with piped gas has been successfully fulfilled. Now on the initiative from Mr. M.Sh.Shaimiev another great project is in work – laying the roads with hard pavement to each and every village and township.JSC “TATAVTODOR” has a network of branches and units all over the Republic, so we undertook to complete this complicated task.

It is impossible to stop the progress…The number of cars and trucks on the highways will grow inevitably…That means the road-builders will not have less works in the future.The staff and personnel of JSC “TATAVTODOR” are ready for the great-scale tasks.Our Company has rich history and service record, but also a great future!

JSC “TATAVTODOR” has 9 Branches and 27 Units: